
One question bringing focus and clarity in the chaos and complexity of today's world.

W.I.N. Wednesday: Are you are wheelbarrow or a front end loader?

"Some of us are like wheelbarrows, only useful when pushed and easily upset."

Jack Herbert

When I read this quote it struck me that some people are Wheelbarrows and some are Front End Loaders. 

As Jack Hebert points out in his quote the Wheelbarrows always need to be pushed. They lack the drive, desire and dedication to do the work to pursue excellence and dare to be great. They have embraced mediocrity and when someone does try to push them to live out their potential they become easily upset. They point the finger of blame at everyone else and are continually complaining about their circumstances, their boss, their job, their bad luck and their life. 

The Front End Loaders in life are always working, always striving and always digging. They fill their buckets with knowledge and wisdom from asking great questions, reading good books, listening to podcasts and taking courses. They hang out with fellow Front End Loaders and others who are willing to embrace the suck, find the good, do the work and put in the time and effort. 

They understand that knowledge is not power. It is potential; potential to empower others. Knowledge is of greatest use when it is shared with others, not hoarded. That is why Front End Loaders are always using what is in their bucket to fill the buckets of others who are willing to dare to be great to help them in their pursuit of excellence. 

We are all going to have times in our lives when we are Wheelbarrows. The key is to recognize it and take action to shift out of that mode into Front End Loader mode.

What’s Important Now? – Be the Front End Loader. Do the work to fill your bucket then seek to help others fill their buckets.

Take care.

Brian Willis


Maximizing human potential through Life's Most Powerful Question - What's Important Now?

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Contact me at winningmind@mac.com to arrange for me to speak to your team, your organization or at your next conference. 

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