
One question bringing focus and clarity in the chaos and complexity of today's world.

W.I.N. Wednesday: Simply do it and skip the posting and boasting.

In the Dare to Be Great leadership workshops we explore two Guiding Questions:

  • What’s Important Now?

  • What’s the right thing to do?

In addition to being questions to guide leaders in their decision-making process, these are life questions. As you know I refer to What’s Important Now? as ‘Life’s Most Powerful Question’. The question is simple and easy to remember and has an extremely diverse range of ways in which it can be applied and has been applied.

Doing what’s right is not always what is easy, what’s popular, or what’s expedient, but it is always what is right. This is not a new concept. Former Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius wrote “Just that you do the right thing. The rest doesn’t matter. Cold or warm. Tired or well-rested. Despised or honored.”, and Martin Luther King Jr. reminded all of us, “The time is always right to do what is right.”

What never comes up in the discussions regarding these two powerful questions is to make sure that you take selfies and post them on social media to boast about doing what is right. As soon as you post and boast it sends a clear message that this is all about you.

If you are in a leadership position and you are going to go out and work with your people, or buy them lunch, good for you. That is what leaders do. They support their people, invest in their people, and express gratitude to their people. As soon as you post and boast about it, you make it about you. Including them in the picture (like they had a choice) does not make it about them, it still makes it about you.

It is important to brag about and celebrate your people and shine the light on them. Just stay out of the picture and leave yourself out of the post.

I also see several posts on LinkedIn, which is the only social media platform I am on, sharing videos of people allegedly doing “random acts of kindness” to show how caring and altruistic they are.  If you have planned the event to the point where someone is capturing it on video so you can post it on social media, then it is all about you and not about the act.

What’s Important Now? If it is the right thing to do, simply do it, and skip the posting and boasting.

Take care.

Brian Willis



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