
One question bringing focus and clarity in the chaos and complexity of today's world.

W.I.N. Wednesday: It is okay to be in this space.

"It is okay to be in this space. The transition, the messy middle, the space in between. You've moved on but you haven't yet arrived. You've left behind what you needed to, but the puzzle pieces haven't all yet come together. There is messiness. There is waiting. There is uncertainty. You are wanting to rush but everything is moving slow. You are wondering if you will get to where you want to go. But where you are is perfect. The messy middle is for doors to close and new doors to open. This transition period is where things come undone so that they can be put back together. This is a season of just being, of trusting. This is a season to pause and take a breath. Have love for yourself, you are exactly where you need to be."

Lisa Buscomb

This excerpt from Lisa Buscomb was shared recently in The Daily Coach blog. As I read it and reread it, the message really resonated with me. It struck me that, for me at least, being in “the messy middle” has been my life. I see it as the space in between birth and death where you are always struggling to put the puzzle pieces together. And, just when you get close to getting them all together life throws you a new curve and you now find yourself working on a new puzzle.

In the early years of your life, you are learning to walk, talk, learn and figure out your place in the world around you. The school years were filled with figuring out where you fit in, if you fit in and just as you started to maybe figure that out, you are off for two months filled with the waiting and uncertainty of starting in a new class, in a new grade, or a new school.

That messiness, waiting and uncertainty carries in the world of work where you are always wondering if you will get to where you want to go. Will you get the job or the assignment you want. Will you get the promotion. Every move, transfer, new assignment, and promotion bring new uncertainty.

That “messy middle” and everything that comes with it continued into my retirement from the Police Service 19 ½ years ago and has continued in my journey since then. As I now prepare to move into the next phase in 2025, I find myself once again in, or still in, “This transition period is where things come undone so that they can be put back together.”  

As I read, and reread that excerpt it struck me that the statement, “This is a season of just being, of trusting. This is a season to pause and take a breath. Have love for yourself, you are exactly where you need to be.", is powerful advice for life. It is ok to trust, pause and take a breath, have love for yourself, and accept that this is exactly where you need to be at that moment.

It does not mean that you stop learning, stop striving, or stop growing, it simply means that you are where you need to be in that moment of your journey. Each of those moments, good and bad, where doors open and close, where things come undone so they can be put back together, are all part of the journey we call life.

What’s Important Now?  Pause and take a breath, have love for yourself, and accept that this is exactly where you need to be at this moment.

Take care.

Brian Willis



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