
One question bringing focus and clarity in the chaos and complexity of today's world.

W.I.N. Wednesday: Forgive. Believe. Create.

One of the newsletters I subscribe to is The Daily Coach. An element of the Daily Coach is “Notes” of An Elder. "Notes" of An Elder is described as “a depository of pertinent information, knowledge, and wisdom. Available weekly will be an elder's "thinking menu" for your use.” One of the items on the thinking menu of a recent post was, “Forgive your younger self. Believe in your current self. Create your future self.”

For me this was a timely reminder as I had recently been reflecting on a few moments in time from the past that I still beat myself up over my actions or inactions in that moment. I believe we all have those moments. Some from our recent past and some from years ago. None of us can roll back the clock and get a ‘do over’. The best we can hope for is that at some point we reflected on that moment, learned from it, and moved forward as a slightly better version of ourselves.

We can get caught up living our lives looking in the rear-view mirror of life and dwelling on the woulda, coulda, shoulda moments, but there is little value in that. I heard somewhere, likely in a country and western song, that the windshield is significantly bigger than the rear-view mirror for a reason. The rear-view mirror is there so we can see what is behind us. The windshield allows us to see where we are and where we are going.

We all need to forgive our younger self. We were likely doing the best we could with the tools we had at that moment. You also need to believe in your current self. Believe in the skills and strengths you have developed so far throughout your life. Believe in your capacity and ability to learn and grow. None of us are stuck where we are at unless we choose to be. This is a critical piece of this journey because from this moment on you will always be your “current self”. The key is to engage in daily actions that will result in in small incremental improvement as part of your journey to be continually creating your future self. This will result in your current self always being a little better than yesterday’s version of you.

What’s Important Now? Forgive. Believe. Create.

Take care.

Brian Willis



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