
One question bringing focus and clarity in the chaos and complexity of today's world.

W.I.N. Wednesday: Three guiding habits to demonstrate respect.

Respect is listed as a Core Value for many organizations. We often talk about the importance of demonstrating respect and treating people with respect. What we do often talk about is how to actually do that. In his book Stop Talking, Start Communicating Geoffrey Tumlin writes about ‘Three Guiding Habits’. I believe that we can use and share these guiding habits as a framework for demonstrating respect, and for treating people with respect.

Three Guiding Habits:

1.    Listen like every sentence matters.

2.    Talk like every word counts.

3.    Act like every interaction is important.

These three habits apply to in person interactions, Zoom meetings and phone conversations. Living them demonstrates respect. Violating them demonstrates a lack of respect. Most people will never say anything at the time, but they will walk away from that interaction feeling frustrated, resentful, and disrespected.

This means you put away your phone, close your laptop, put down your papers, turn off your computer monitor and give the other person your full attention. If you need to be on your computer because it is a virtual meeting then close out your e-mail and text apps, put away your phone and other devices and give the other person or people your undivided attention. The same rules apply to a phone conversation and yes, the person on the other end of the call knows if your attention is not fully focused on the conversation.

In today’s episode of The Daily Coach titled The Leadership Journey of Presence, the author writes, “Suppose we don’t intentionally slow down and lean into being more present. In that case, we risk the most important and valuable moments that shape our life and leadership journeys – the real conversations with our partner, children, loved ones, team members, and the unexpected opportunities that arise or the simple joys that unfold in our daily lives. The decisions we make, the relationships we foster, and the impact we cultivate all stem from our ability to be fully engaged and aware in the present.”

Are the Three Guiding Habits simple? Yes. Are they easy? No. Why? Because attention is a limited commodity, and your attention is continually being pulled in multiple directions and following the guiding habits framework requires you to be intentional and deliberate about being present and living those guiding habits.

What’s Important Now? Be intentional with your attention and be deliberate about being present and demonstrating respect.

Take care.

Brian Willis



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